5 Extraordinary Health Benefits of Walking that will Surprise You

The image depicts the amazing health benefits of walking

Achieving fitness through walking yields 5 extraordinary health benefits that are evident and lasting if embraced as a lifestyle. 

No two people are created equal. However, making a conscientious effort to walk every day can yield staggering weight loss results that last and could help you live longer. 

A Canadian study conducted in women over a duration of 14 weeks found a 20% reduction in belly fat with an hour-long brisk walk every day. 

Dr. Oz elaborates in his health publication that longevity and mental well-being are the main reasons why every human should prioritize walking for good health. 

We live in an era, where people are enticed with ‘shed weight fast’ pharmaceuticals.

These drugs undoubtedly, could have unwanted short- and long-term side effects.

On the contrary, walking is easy, natural, accessible, and highly effective.  

With that said, all you really need is the right mindset and a pair of comfortable and supportive walking shoes, and anyone- from young to old can easily kick off their health journey by taking as many steps as possible every day! 

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Without Delay, Here are 5 Extraordinary Health Benefits of Walking that will Surprise You: 

1) A noticeable improvement in sleep quality

    Photo of Sleeping Man

    Ever notice how quickly you fall asleep after walking through an amusement park with the kids or after exploring a new town while vacationing?

    Yep, that is your body automatically going into rest mode after a long day of walking.

      2) A slimmer physique, improved posture, and toned legs 

      Walking for exercise is a habit that I developed after my second pregnancy in 2004. Walking outdoors has always been my exercise of choice even when faced with other great options. Personally, I have been able to maintain a healthy weight, appear leaner and toned, and still fit old clothes from 10-20 years ago.

      3) Increased confidence and an enhanced ability to focus mentally

      Walking gives you a natural high and confidence boost that comes in handy in stressful situations. Therefore, instead of reacting negatively, you can tap into positive emotions that last throughout the day.

        4) A healthy immune system and the ability to ward off diseases 

          Out of the 5 extraordinary health benefits of walking that will surprise you – a healthy immune system is a major win because it can lower your risk of falling sick which could potentially add 2 to 4 years to your life span according to experts!

            5) Improved digestive motility and regular bowel movements 

              If you know, you know. The rhythmic movement of walking improves digestive motility and the natural urge to empty any gastrointestinal remnants. There you have it, so instead of reaching for that stool softener to help relieve constipation, get in the habit of walking at least 30 minutes every day for improved digestive function.

              In conclusion, prevention is better than cure. Walking a minimum of 30 minutes every day is highly recommended by experts regardless of age, socioeconomic status, and physical endurance. Therefore, I urge you to take this blog post as a sign to finally lace up your walking shoes!

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